Building Vibrant Communities

Building Vibrant Communities

Building Vibrant Communities

Building Vibrant Communities

Building Vibrant Communities is the Irish contribution to a wave of conferences sweeping across the globe, bringing together well-wishers of humanity from every walk of life and every part of Ireland.

Building Vibrant Communities is the Irish contribution to a wave of conferences sweeping across the globe, bringing together well-wishers of humanity from every walk of life and every part of Ireland.

The Conference runs from May 20th to 22nd and follows a participative and arts based format ensuring everybody can input into the dialogue and bring their unique experience and perspective to the discussion. Co-creating vibrant and peaceful communities is something to which we can all make a contribution and from which we can all benefit and this Conference offers a space to explore how we might begin this journey.

"Sometimes we underestimate the changes that can happen when a group of committed individuals get together to try to improve their neighbourhoods and societies," says Ann O'Sullivan, Secretary of the national Bahá'í body.  "We get downhearted and think what we do is just a drop in the ocean, but what we need to remember is that the ocean is made up of drops so everything we do has the potential to create change."

Though events like Building Vibrant Communities have been happening all around the world for the past few months they aren't in any way formulaic.  With complete trust in the people who live in any locality to know what is best for them and their neighbours, each Conference is firmly rooted in its own society. 

Daniel Cunningham, a young dentist working in the West of Ireland explains, "The needs of people in places like the Solomon islands, or the Democratic Republic of Congo are very different to our needs in Ireland.  But what is similar is that we all know our own neighbourhoods and societies and so, if we put our heads together we can work out what we can do to build vibrant, safe societies in our own localities."

The Conference is being held over three days in NUIG and everyone is welcome to come along and consult about how we can channel our energies and desire to promote unity and grow peaceful, equal societies from the grassroots.

© 181 / 2024 | The National Spiritual Assembly of The Bahá'ís of Ireland | (01) 6683 150 CHY 05920 | RCN:20009724

© 181 / 2024 | The National Spiritual Assembly of The Bahá'ís of Ireland | (01) 6683 150 | CHY 05920 | RCN:20009724

© 181 / 2024 | The National Spiritual Assembly of The Bahá'ís of Ireland | | (01) 6683 150 CHY 05920 RCN:20009724

© 181 / 2024 | The National Spiritual Assembly of The Bahá'ís of Ireland | | (01) 6683 150 | CHY 05920 RCN:20009724